Monday, July 11, 2011

Week three- broccoli and kohlrabi

We've been trying to use the grill as much as possible this summer. It feels like we haven't used it but a few times, but it's hard since we work evenings... we pretty much can only grill on the weekends. Grilling veggies is so easy and delicious, and goodness gracious, the broccoli is off the chain.

We recently tossed some cut up broccoli, kohlrabi, and onions with olive oil and salt and pepper then placed on the ceramic grill platter Phil got for his birthday. Once the vegetables get all charred and fragrant we know they're done, and we toss with whatever fresh herbs we've got out back. I think we used thyme in the above picture.

We grilled just broccoli last night and my goodness was it great. We didn't even use any herbs--just olive oil, salt and pepper.

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